When it comes to reading, the goal is to capture them young (The Vancouver Sun, 29 Sep 2010, Page A13)

When it comes to reading, the goal is to capture them young
BY GERRY BELLETT gbellett@vancouversun.com
The Vancouver Sun
29 Sep 2010

Since 2007, 4,500 children have participated in Surrey Libraries’ Storytimes to Help Learn English program, which is funded by The Vancouver Sun’s Raise-a-Reader Program and CIBC’s Legacy Grant. How good is the program? Well, there have been calls from...read more...

B. C. group connects children’s authors with their audience (The Vancouver Sun, 23 Sep 2010, Page A13)

B. C. group connects children’s authors with their audience
BY TRACY SHERLOCK tsherlock@vancouversun.com
The Vancouver Sun
23 Sep 2010

As children’s author Shar Levine will tell you, writers are real people. “ They live down the street, they’re in front of you in the supermarket lineup,” Levine said. “ You may not realize that your favourite book was written by the lady standing in...read more...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Woods Hole - fellows

And here we are at the end of a very long day in the boat. For the record, in the last 10 years times 10 jounalists a year no one has hurled until last week. As everyone knows I can't swim, am terrified of the open ocean, I can't stand boats smaller than a large ferry and am not good in enclosed space and I am prone to motion sickness. I put on a scopalamine patch and it worked a charm. One of the other journalists was puking off the end of the boat meaning I was not the one whogot sick.

Shar Levine

Shar Levine: "Shar Levine has written more than 70 books with ..."

And the diet starts tomorrow

Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Light Shed On Marine Luminescence

New Light Shed On Marine Luminescence
You would think that I'd had enough of the ocean after a week at Woods Hole, but no, I'm still in love with all things in the sea. I am, however, too tired to blog. Nothing like getting up at 3 am Vancouver time and getting in around 8 pm PDT that night to make a write a little woozy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

This has really been the longest 24 hours. It's hard to believe that we had our first lecture yesterday as my brain is already fried today. I probably wouldn't feel like death warmed over were it not for the fact that the room was freezing today and I spent 50 bucks on flu medicine at rite aid right after we got out of the last session. now with drugs I feel a little better.
There's so much to take in and so many ideas for projects. in the middle of the second presentation i sent out a book proposal based on the information that the scientist was presenting. No idea if it will sell, but it was a fabulous idea. Even Leslie loved it.
It's interesting spending time with world famous journalists. They want to write books. I want to be a writer. Guess it's like actors who want to be directors.
As for lobsters , we have started a tally. 24 hrs, 4 down. 5 more days to go.
and for the guilty admission: I was sitting in the front row, close to a video screen that had been lowered from the ceiling. On the screen were photos of the open ocean which waved back and forth in the air conditioning. I got sea-sick...on land....sitting in a chair. A new record even for me. Can hardly wait until Weds when I spend the day on water. Thank heavens for drugs.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:woods hole

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Previously known as animal-only pigment, bilirubin now confirmed in Bird of Paradise flower

Previously known as animal-only pigment, bilirubin now confirmed in Bird of Paradise flower

Love this flower! We have a large one growing in a pot in our livingroom and someday I hope it will bloom. Right now the only thing that seems thriving on it are fruit flies.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Insect brains are rich stores of new antibiotics

Insect brains are rich stores of new antibiotics

This is soooo zombie. Brains may be good for you. Ok, that's not what the article says, but it does tie in nicely with the Scary Science Book we wrote.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Melting rate of icecaps in Greenland and Western Antarctica lower than expected

Melting rate of icecaps in Greenland and Western Antarctica lower than expected

Funny thing. Maybe not that funny. I think I said this at a recent seminar and my comment was met with raised eyebrows and rolled eyes. hmmmmmmmmm

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Building World's Largest Neutrino Telescope At South Pole

Building World's Largest Neutrino Telescope At South Pole

And just a bit more about IceCube. Truly a story that will appeal to the science geeks. And I am one of those kinds of people.

IceCube neutrino observatory nears completion

IceCube neutrino observatory nears completion

LJ and I are working on a new book- Winter Science. This tidbit won't work in the book, but you gotta love the name of the facility.