Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

eating newton's apples

It's a best kept secret- at the University of British Columbia there's a grove of trees grown from a cutting of the famous apple tree that sat outside of Sir Isaac Newton's room in Cambridge. He is said to have been hit by a falling apple which inspired him to write about gravity.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ocean acidification poses little threat to whales’ hearing, study suggests

Ocean acidification poses little threat to whales’ hearing, study suggests

one more thing I need to know if I want to write a book about sounds in the Ocean. Wish I had known this about 3 weeks ago,.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

CM Magazine: Scary Science: 25 Creepy Experiments.

CM Magazine: Scary Science: 25 Creepy Experiments.
You have to love a great review, especially one not done by anyone you know. Thanks U of M!

Friday, October 1, 2010

YouTube - Shakespeare sketch - A Small Rewrite

YouTube - Shakespeare sketch - A Small Rewrite

No offense to any of my editors, but..........
Leslie and I once had a editor we called the "vampire" because she sucked the life out of anything we sent to her. Then there was the editor who put exclamation marks after every sentence.