Thursday, December 23, 2010

Harry Rosenberg

With deep sadness I wish to write that my wonderful father in law, Harry Rosenberg passed away on Dec 17th. He was beloved by all and was remembered as a gentleman.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Whale Has Super-sized Big Gulp

Whale Has Super-sized Big Gulp
surprised that 7/11 didn't sue over this headline, but it's a great story and it involves

Global warming?

It's freezing here. Torrential downpours. All the people from the plane were at the movie yesterday.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Sunday, December 12, 2010

truly dumb

so let's ge this straight, people stagger across the finish line and scientist study the way runners change their pace to see if they are tired?

Saturday, December 11, 2010


So much for global warming. It's freezing here. All the people from the plane were at the moviie yesterday.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Landing lights for bumblebees

Landing lights for bumblebees

TRY THIS! Find a black light and take a bunch of different flowers into a dark room. Shine the light on the flower petals and see what the flowers look like under UV light. You can see what the bee sees>

How people perceive sour flavors: Proton current drives action potentials in taste cells

How people perceive sour flavors: Proton current drives action potentials in taste cells

In our book on Senses we didn't write about the taste of "fat", which really think exists. My husband believes there's also the taste of electricity, but we aren't going to share where he came by that observation

Whale sharks use geometry to avoid sinking

Whale sharks use geometry to avoid sinking

Deep, deep down I know that I will need this factoid in our next book. LJ loved this story, too.

Candlelight - The Maccabeats - Hanukkah

I think the version is better than the original!

Adam Sandler original Chanukah (Hanukkah) Song

I meant to put this up last Weds. but was too busy cooking 50 pounds of potatoes for a party

For elderly, even short falls can be deadly; Adults 70-plus three times as likely to die following low-level falls

For elderly, even short falls can be deadly; Adults 70-plus three times as likely to die following low-level falls

I haven't had the energy to blog in the last 6 weeks and this article pretty much sums up why I have been off my computer. My wonderful father in law fell the beginning of Nov and has been in the hospital ever since his tumble. He broke both arms, the left one in two places, smashed open his head and generally bashed himself up. When I asked him why he didn't use his walker, cane or the care giver who was with him he said, "I don't need any help". And so here we are 6 weeks after the fact and it's not fun.

Old folks out there= "Pride cometh before the fall", really has meaning. Use the medical devices that will prevent you from a debilitating fall!