Thursday, April 7, 2011

wots 2010

And another video that has mysteriously dropped off my web site.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

pumping iron

In a desperate attempt to lose weight for the wedding, Shira and I went to a new gym. The head trainer was a former KGB agent responsible for physical torture of prisoners. Fine, he only had the accent of a Russian spy but believed in NO PAIN, NO PAIN. We lasted about a week before we got bored and left the gym, never to return. Instead we opted for a new Dr, who put us on a starvation diet. We lost weight without someone yelling at us.



Why is it that after I finish writing a book I always find something that I wish I had known before sending the MS to the publisher?



algae that live inside your cells! way cool



This is a story that will become really important in the upcoming years, given the radioactive materials now coming into the ocean



This post will only appeal to a handful of readers. But since I'm going back to Woods Hole for the MBL fellowship, this is the story that fellow journalists will love

training video

Subject: Fw: The Entabulator Many years ago.... Rockwell International decided to get into the heavy duty automatic transmission business. They were getting ready to tape their first introductory video. As a warm up, the stage crew began what has become a legend within the training industry. This man should have won an academy award for his performance. Keep in mind, this is strictly off the cuff, nothing is written down. He had no script! This was a rehearsal for camera, lighting and stage crew. This video is still utilized as a training aide for incoming Congressmen, lawyers, and White House administrators. Enjoy!!

NOVA | Capturing Carbon

NOVA | Capturing Carbon
why do I want to say, "make like a tree and leaf">

Monday, February 7, 2011

popeye was right!

Want more efficient muscles? Eat your spinach

While chugging cold spinach from a can like popeye does in cartoons, may seem gross (well, actually it is gross), it is also good for you. Personally a nice spinach salad with a light dressing, goat cheese and strawberries is a much more appetizing idea.

Children's BMI found to rise the longer their mothers work

Children's BMI found to rise the longer their mothers work

One more thing for mothers to feel guilty about. Frankly, why aren't fathers cooking? Or why don't fast food restaurants put healthier things on the menu so that mothers don't have to buy high carb, high sugar, high fat meals?

Secret life of bees now a little less secret

Secret life of bees now a little less secret

If you have a black light hanging around the house, shine it on a flower and see how a bee sees this flower. It's like a landing strip for planes.

i want one of these

YouTube - U3-X Personal Mobility Prototype

Fine. I don't need this, but I really want this. It would be amazing for travel in Europe!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cracking a tooth: 3-D map of atoms sheds light on nanoscale interfaces in teeth, may aid materials design

Cracking a tooth: 3-D map of atoms sheds light on nanoscale interfaces in teeth, may aid materials design

Spent a few hours in the dentist's chair yesterday and so this article caught my eye. My husband has stress fractures in his teeth, not from grinding them, but from eating unpopped kernels of corn. There's a lesson there, kids.

my dog, havoc

I rarely write anything personal, but this last week has been trying. My dog was climbing a tree, no really, a tree had fallen over and was at a steep angle. the dog saw a squirrel and ran up the tree then fell off, tearing his ACL. the vet fixed it for an astonishing amount of money. but the funny thing was the phone call from the surgeon which began, "your dog has a heart murmur and I'd like to bring in a cardiologist." No, really, a heart doc for a dog? The dog was a rescue mutt and is now worth more than the best of show winner at Westminster Dog Show.
And I still have to pay for a wedding! HELP! need fundraiser for vet bills

Aquatic food web tied to land: Some fish are made out of maple leaves

Aquatic food web tied to land: Some fish are made out of maple leaves

You have to love a story that has this as a headline. Note to self- if I get to MBL for a fellowship I really must ask them about this

How seabirds share their habitat

How seabirds share their habitat
Perhaps their moms told them to play nicely with others. We can all learn something from this article.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Great video

One tune fits all!!!! This is fun.

Dancing at the Movies - Music Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Eat this root

2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.
1000 A.D. - That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.
1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.
1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.
1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.
2000 A.D. - That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Longstanding mystery of Sun's hot outer atmosphere solved

Longstanding mystery of Sun's hot outer atmosphere solved
I heard this scientist speak at ncar last year.. Amazing presentation by someone with the best accent.

Monday, January 3, 2011